learn all about the crypto module nodejs examples tutorial. Learn what it is, its advantages, features, and code snippets.

Crypto Nodejs Module Examples
Crypto Nodejs Module Examples


In today’s world, data security has become one of the most important concerns for individuals and organizations alike.

Keeping data secure and protected from unauthorized access or modifications is essential.

The crypto module in Node.js is a powerful tool for developers to ensure that their data is encrypted and secure.

The crypto module provides a set of cryptographic functionalities to Node.js applications.

It is based on OpenSSL, which is a popular open-source cryptography toolkit.

What is the Crypto Module?

The crypto module in Node.js is a built-in module that provides cryptographic functionality to applications.

It provides a set of cryptographic functions, such as hashing, encryption, decryption, and digital signature generation and verification.

These functions allow developers to create secure and robust applications that can protect sensitive data from unauthorized access or modifications.

Advantages of the Crypto Module

The crypto module provides various advantages to developers, including:

  1. Security: The crypto module provides various cryptographic functions that enable developers to create secure applications.
  2. Speed: The crypto module is based on OpenSSL, which is a highly optimized and fast cryptography toolkit.
  3. Flexibility: The crypto module provides a wide range of cryptographic functions, allowing developers to choose the best method for their application’s requirements.

Features of the Crypto Module

The crypto module provides various features, including:

  1. Hashing: The crypto module provides a set of hashing functions, such as MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, etc., which are used to generate a unique and fixed-length message digest from the input data.
  2. Encryption and Decryption: The crypto module provides symmetric and asymmetric encryption and decryption functions, such as AES, DES, RSA, etc., which are used to encrypt and decrypt data.
  3. Digital Signature Generation and Verification: The crypto module provides digital signature generation and verification functions, such as RSA-SHA1, RSA-SHA256, etc., which are used to sign and verify digital documents.
  4. Random Number Generation: The crypto module provides a secure random number generator that can be used to generate random numbers for cryptographic purposes.
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Code Syntax:

The crypto module can be included in Node.js applications using the require() function.

Here is an example of how to include the crypto module in a Node.js application:

const crypto = require('crypto');

Once the crypto module is included, developers can use its various cryptographic functions to secure their applications.

Usages and Examples

Here are some common usages of the crypto module:

Example #1. Hash Passwords with Crypto Module

Developers can use the crypto module’s hashing functions to hash user passwords before storing them in a database.

This ensures that even if the database is compromised, the passwords cannot be easily retrieved.

const crypto = require('crypto');

// Generate a salt
const salt = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex');

// Hash the password with the salt
const password = 'password123';
const hash = crypto.pbkdf2Sync(password, salt, 1000, 64, 'sha512').toString('hex');

// Store the salt and hash in the database
const user = {
  salt: salt,
  hash: hash

// Verify a password against the stored salt and hash
const loginPassword = 'password123';
const loginHash = crypto.pbkdf2Sync(loginPassword, user.salt, 1000, 64, 'sha512').toString('hex');

if (loginHash === user.hash) {
  console.log('Password is correct');
} else {
  console.log('Password is incorrect');

In this example, we first generate a random salt using crypto.randomBytes() and convert it to a hexadecimal string. We then hash the password using crypto.pbkdf2Sync() with the salt, using 1000 iterations and a key length of 64 bytes, and the SHA-512 hashing algorithm. The resulting hash is also converted to a hexadecimal string.

We then store the salt and hash in the database, and later verify a login password by hashing it with the stored salt and comparing it to the stored hash. If they match, the password is correct.2.

Example #2. Encryption with Crypto Module

Developers can use the crypto module’s encryption functions to encrypt sensitive data before storing it in a database or transmitting it over a network.

const crypto = require('crypto');

const algorithm = 'aes-256-cbc';
const key = crypto.randomBytes(32); // 32 bytes = 256 bits
const iv = crypto.randomBytes(16); // initialization vector, 16 bytes = 128 bits
const message = 'Hello, world!';

const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(algorithm, key, iv);

let encrypted = cipher.update(message, 'utf8', 'hex');
encrypted += cipher.final('hex');

console.log('Encrypted message:', encrypted);

In this example, we use the crypto module to encrypt a message using the AES-256-CBC algorithm.

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First, we generate a random key and initialization vector (IV) using the crypto.randomBytes() method.

We then create a Cipher object using the crypto.createCipheriv() method, passing in the algorithm, key, and IV as parameters.

Finally, we use the cipher.update() method to encrypt the message, and then the cipher.final() method to finalize the encryption and return the encrypted message in hexadecimal format.

Example #3. Decryption with Crypto Module

Developers can use the crypto module’s decryption functions to decrypt sensitive data before managing it in a database or transmitting it over a network.

const crypto = require('crypto');

const algorithm = 'aes-256-cbc';
const key = crypto.randomBytes(32); // 32 bytes = 256 bits
const iv = crypto.randomBytes(16); // initialization vector, 16 bytes = 128 bits
const encrypted = '9a9427587d10b1e40b7c2b5802c46e84';

const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(algorithm, key, iv);

let decrypted = decipher.update(encrypted, 'hex', 'utf8');
decrypted += decipher.final('utf8');

console.log('Decrypted message:', decrypted);

In this example, we use the crypto module to decrypt an encrypted message using the AES-256-CBC algorithm.

First, we generate a random key and initialization vector (IV) using the crypto.randomBytes() method.

We then create a Decipher object using the crypto.createDecipheriv() method, passing in the algorithm, key, and IV as parameters.

Finally, we use the decipher.update() method to decrypt the message, and then the decipher.final() method to finalize the decryption and return the decrypted message in plaintext format.

Example #4 Generate Key Pair with Crypto Module

Developers can use the crypto module’s digital signature functions to sign and verify digital documents, ensuring that the documents have not been modified in transit.

const crypto = require('crypto');

const { privateKey, publicKey } = crypto.generateKeyPairSync('rsa', {
  modulusLength: 4096,
  publicKeyEncoding: {
    type: 'pkcs1',
    format: 'pem'
  privateKeyEncoding: {
    type: 'pkcs1',
    format: 'pem',
    cipher: 'aes-256-cbc',
    passphrase: 'mysecret'

console.log('Private Key:', privateKey);
console.log('Public Key:', publicKey);

In the above code, we use the generateKeyPairSync method of the crypto module to generate a key pair for RSA encryption.

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We specify the modulusLength as 4096, and specify the encoding formats for the public and private keys.

We also provide a passphrase to encrypt the private key.

Example #5 Generate Key Pair with Crypto Module

In the below code, we use the createSign method of the crypto module to create a signing object for SHA256.

We then write the message to the signing object and call end().

We then use the private key obtained from key pair generation to sign the message using the sign method, and specify the output format as hex.

const crypto = require('crypto');

const message = 'Hello, World!';
const privateKey = '...'; // Private key obtained from key pair generation
const sign = crypto.createSign('SHA256');

const signature = sign.sign(privateKey, 'hex');
console.log('Signature:', signature);

Example #6 Verify a Signature with Crypto Module

In the below code, we use the createVerify method of the crypto module to create a verification object for SHA256.

We then write the message to the verification object and call end().

We then use the public key obtained from key pair generation to verify the signature using the verify method, and specify the output format as hex.

const crypto = require('crypto');

const message = 'Hello, World!';
const publicKey = '...'; // Public key obtained from key pair generation
const signature = '...'; // Signature obtained from signing

const verify = crypto.createVerify('SHA256');

const isValid = verify.verify(publicKey, signature, 'hex');
console.log('Is Valid Signature?', isValid);

Final Words

The crypto module in Node.js is an essential tool for developers looking to secure their applications.

Its ability to handle cryptographic operations such as hashing, encryption, and digital signatures makes it a valuable asset in preventing data breaches and maintaining data integrity.

With its easy-to-use interface, the crypto module is a popular choice for developers who want to add an extra layer of security to their applications.

By incorporating this module into your Node.js projects, you can ensure the safety and security of your users’ data.