CSS Properties List Cheatsheet Complete Reference guide. The article provides a complete CSS Properties list cheat sheet, descriptions, and the most common usages.

CSS Properties List Cheatsheet
CSS Properties List Cheatsheet

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a powerful tool for web developers to design and style websites.

With CSS, developers can control the layout, fonts, colors, and other visual aspects of a webpage.

To achieve this, CSS uses a vast array of properties that allows developers to manipulate the appearance and behavior of elements on a web page.

A complete CSS properties list cheat sheet can be a valuable resource for developers who want to learn more about the available attributes and how to use them.

Such a cheat sheet provides a comprehensive inventory of all the CSS properties along with examples of their usage.

With this information at their fingertips, developers can create stunning web pages that are visually appealing, easy to navigate, and user-friendly.

In this article, we will explore a complete CSS properties list cheatsheet that includes all the essential attributes used in modern web development.

We will provide clear and concise descriptions of each property, along with practical code examples that demonstrate how they can be used in different scenarios.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced web developer, this CSS properties list cheat sheet will help you to improve your skills and create web pages that are both functional and visually appealing.

CSS Properties Cheatsheet Complete Guide

PropertyCode SnippetDescriptionUsage
colorcolor: #000000;Sets the text color of an elementThis applies to any text element
background-colorbackground-color: #FFFFFF;Sets the background color of an elementApplies to any element
font-familyfont-family: Arial, sans-serif;Sets the font family of textThis applies to any text element
font-sizefont-size: 16px;Sets the font size of textThis applies to any text element
font-weightfont-weight: bold;Sets the font weight of textThis applies to any text element
text-aligntext-align: center;Sets the horizontal alignment of textThis applies to any text element
text-decorationtext-decoration: underline;Sets the decoration of textThis applies to any text element
line-heightline-height: 1.5;Sets the height of a line of textThis applies to any text element
letter-spacingletter-spacing: 2px;Sets the space between characters in textThis applies to any text element
word-spacingword-spacing: 4px;Sets the space between words in textThis applies to any text element
displaydisplay: block;Sets the display behavior of an elementApplies to any element
visibilityvisibility: hidden;Sets the visibility of an elementApplies to any element
opacityopacity: 0.5;Sets the opacity of an elementApplies to any element
cursorcursor: pointer;Sets the cursor type when hovering over an elementApplies to any element
positionposition: absolute;Sets the position of an element relative to its parentApplies to any element
toptop: 10px;Sets the top position of an element relative to its parentApplies to any element with a position value of “absolute”, “relative”, or “fixed”
bottombottom: 10px;Sets the bottom position of an element relative to its parentApplies to any element with a position value of “absolute”, “relative”, or “fixed”
leftleft: 10px;Sets the left position of an element relative to its parentApplies to any element with a position value of “absolute”, “relative”, or “fixed”
rightright: 10px;Sets the right position of an element relative to its parentApplies to any element with a position value of “absolute”, “relative”, or “fixed”
floatfloat: left;Sets the horizontal alignment of an element relative to other elementsApplies to any element
clearclear: both;Clears any floated elements to prevent overlappingApplies to any element
z-indexz-index: 1;Sets the stack order of an elementApplies to any element with a position value of “absolute”, “relative”, or
overflowoverflow: hidden;Specifies whether to clip content or to add scrollbars when an element’s content is too big for its containerApplies to any element
white-spacewhite-space: nowrap;Sets how white space inside an element is handledThis applies to any text element
text-transformtext-transform: uppercase;Sets the capitalization of textThis applies to any text element
box-shadowbox-shadow: 2px 2px 2px 2px #000000;Adds a shadow effect to an elementApplies to any element
background-imagebackground-image: url(“image.jpg”);Sets the background image of an elementApplies to any element
background-repeatbackground-repeat: no-repeat;Sets how the background image of an element is repeatedThis applies to any element with a background image
background-sizebackground-size: cover;Sets the size of the background image of an elementThis applies to any element containing text
box-sizingbox-sizing: border-box;Sets how an element’s width and height are calculated, including its padding and borderApplies to any element
paddingpadding: 10px;Sets the padding properties of an elementApplies to any element
max-widthmax-width: 100%;Sets the maximum width of an elementApplies to any element
max-heightmax-height: 100%;Sets the maximum height of an elementApplies to any element
text-aligntext-align: center;Sets the alignment of textThis applies to any text element
text-decorationtext-decoration: underline;Sets the decoration of textSets the font size of the text
line-heightline-height: 1.5;Sets the height of a line of textThis applies to any text element
letter-spacingletter-spacing: 1px;Sets the spacing between charactersThis applies to any text element
word-spacingword-spacing: 2px;Sets the spacing between wordsThis applies to any text element
transformtransform: rotate(45deg);Applies a transformation to an element, such as rotation or scalingApplies to any element
justify-contentjustify-content: center;Sets the alignment of flex items along the main axis of a flex containerApplies to any element with display: flex
align-itemsalign-items: center;Sets the alignment of flex items along the cross axis of a flex containerApplies to any element with display: flex
flex-directionflex-direction: row;Sets the direction of the main axis of a flex containerApplies to any element with display: flex
flex-wrapflex-wrap: wrap;Sets whether flex items should wrap when they exceed the width of a flex containerApplies to any element with display: flex
flex-growflex-grow: 1;Sets the amount that a flex item will grow relative to the other flex items in a flex containerApplies to any element with display: flex
flex-shrinkflex-shrink: 1;Sets the amount that a flex item will shrink relative to the other flex items in a flex containerApplies to any element with display: flex
flex-basisflex-basis: 100px;Sets the initial size of a flex itemApplies to any element with display: flex
background-positionbackground-position: center;Sets the position of the background image relative to the elementThis applies to any text element
marginmargin: 10px;Sets the margin around an elementApplies to any element
user-selectuser-select: none;Sets whether the user can select text within an elementApplies to any element
pointer-eventspointer-events: none;This applies to a positioned elementApplies to any element
toptop: 10px;Sets the distance between the top edge of an element and the top edge of its parentThis applies to a positioned element
bottombottom: 10px;Sets the distance between the bottom edge of an element and the bottom edge of its parentThis applies to a container element with child elements
flexdisplay: flex;Sets a flexible container for an element and its children, allowing for easy alignment and spacingThis applies to any text element
justify-contentjustify-content: center;Sets the alignment of the flex items along the main axis of the flex containerApplies to a container element with child elements and a “display: flex” property
align-itemsalign-items: center;Sets the alignment of a single flex item along the cross-axis of the flex containerApplies to a container element with child elements and a “display: flex” property
align-selfalign-self: center;This applies to any element with a borderApplies to a single child element within a container element with a “display: flex” property
font-weightfont-weight: bold;Sets the weight of the font used in an element’s textThis applies to any text element
line-heightline-height: 1.5;Sets the height of a line of text in an elementThis applies to any text element
letter-spacingletter-spacing: 1px;Sets the space between characters in an element’s textThis applies to any text element
text-aligntext-align: center;Sets the horizontal alignment of text within an elementSets the alignment of the flex items along the cross-axis of the flex container
transitiontransition: background-color 1s ease-in-out;Sets a transition effect for an element when a property changesThis applies to any text element
text-overflowtext-overflow: ellipsis;Sets how text should be displayed when it overflows its containerApplies to any text element within a container element with a fixed width and height
word-breakword-break: break-all;Sets how words should break within an element’s textThis applies to any text element
user-selectuser-select: none;Sets whether an element’s text can be selected by the userApplies to any element with text
text-shadowtext-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #888;Sets a shadow effect on an element’s textThis applies to a container element with child elements that have
filterfilter: blur(5px);Applies a visual effect to an element, such as blurring or color shiftingApplies to any element
perspectiveperspective: 100px;Sets the perspective from which an element is viewed in 3D spaceApplies to a container element with child elements that have a “transform: translateZ” property
backface-visibilitybackface-visibility: hidden;Sets whether the back face of an element is visible when it is rotated in 3D spaceThis applies to any element with a border
border-radiusborder-radius: 5px;Sets the rounded corners of an element’s borderApplies to any element with a border
user-selectuser-select: none;Sets whether an element’s text can be selected by the userApplies to any element with text

We hope you find this CSS properties cheat sheet extremely helpful in learning and practicing CSS in your day-to-day programming.

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