HTML Tags Cheatsheet Complete Reference guide. The article provides HTML tags, descriptions, and the most common usages.

HTML Tags Cheatsheet Complete Reference
HTML Tags Cheatsheet Complete Reference

HTML is the foundation of web development, providing a standardized language for structuring and presenting content on the internet.

HTML tags are the building blocks of a web page, allowing developers to define the layout, style, and functionality of their websites.

As a result, understanding HTML tags is essential for anyone looking to create or modify web content.

This article serves as a complete reference guide to HTML tags, providing detailed descriptions and examples of each tag’s usage.

Through this complete reference cheatsheet, you will have a thorough understanding of HTML tags and how to use them to create web pages that are both visually appealing and functional.

Basics of HTML

  • An HTML document is made up of a series of elements, each of which is defined by a pair of opening and closing tags.
  • The opening tag contains the name of the element, while the closing tag contains the same name preceded by a forward slash (/).
  • The content of an element is placed between the opening and closing tags.

In the following sections, we will provide a comprehensive guide to the most commonly used HTML tags, organized by category.

By the end of this guide, you will have a complete understanding of HTML tags and be able to create web pages that are both visually appealing and functional.

HTML Complete Tag Reference Guide

<html>The root element that contains all other elements on a web pageUsed at the beginning and end of an HTML document
<head>Contains meta information about the document such as title, stylesheets, and scriptsUsed within the <html> element
<title>Sets the title of the document, which appears in the browser tabUsed within the <head> element
<body>Contains the visible content of the web pageUsed within the <html> element
<div>Creates a container that can be styled with CSSUsed within an <form> element to create text boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, and other input fields
<p>Defines a paragraph of textUsed to separate blocks of text and add spacing
<a>Defines a hyperlink that links to another document or web pageUsed to create clickable links
<img>Displays an image on the web pageUsed to add visual elements to a web page
<ul>Creates an unordered listUsed to list items without any specific order
<ol>Creates an ordered listUsed to list items in a specific order
<li>Defines an item in a listUsed within <ul> or <ol> elements
<table>Creates a table with rows and columnsUsed to display tabular data
<tr>Defines a row in a tableUsed within the <table> element
<th>Defines a header cell in a tableUsed within a <tr> element to create column headers
<td>Defines a standard cell in a tableUsed within a <tr> element to create data cells
<form>Creates a form for user inputUsed to create forms that allow users to enter and submit data
<input>Defines an input field where users can enter dataUsed within an <select> element to create options that users can choose from
<label>Associates a label with an input elementUsed to provide a name or description for an input field
<select>Creates a drop-down listUsed to allow users to select from a list of options
<option>Defines an option in a drop-down listUsed to provide a caption for an <figure> element
<button>Creates a clickable buttonUsed to add interactive buttons to a web page
<span>Defines a small inline container that can be styled with CSSUsed to group and style text or other inline elements
<h1> to <h6>Defines different levels of headingsUsed to create headings and subheadings on a web page
<br>Inserts a line breakUsed to create a new line without creating a new paragraph
<hr>Inserts a horizontal lineUsed to create a horizontal divider
<meta>Provides metadata about the documentUsed within the <head> element to provide information about the document such as author, description, and keywords
<nav>Defines a section for navigation linksUsed to create a navigation menu
<header>Defines the top part of a web page, typically containing the page’s title, logo, and navigationUsed to create a header section. Used to provide a heading or other introductory content at the top of a web page or section
<section>Defines a section of a web pageUsed to group related content
<article>Defines an independent, self-contained block of contentUsed to separate articles or blog posts from one another. Used to denote an independent piece of content within a document, such as a blog post or news article
<aside>Defines content that is tangentially related to the main content of the web pageUsed to create a sidebar or other supplementary content
<main>Defines the main content of the web pageUsed to group the primary content of a web page
<blockquote>Defines a long quotationUsed to quote text from another source
<cite>Defines the title of a work, such as a book or article, that is being citedUsed within a <blockquote> element to provide attribution
<code>Defines a piece of computer codeUsed to display code snippets
<em>Defines emphasized textUsed to add emphasis to text
<strong>Defines strongly emphasized textUsed to add stronger emphasis to text
<sup>Defines superscript textUsed to display text as a superscript
<sub>Defines subscript textUsed to display text as a subscript
<hr>Inserts a horizontal lineUsed to create a horizontal divider
<iframe>Inserts a frame for embedding another web page or media content. Defines an inline frame for embedding external content into a web pageUsed to embed content from another source within a web page
<audio>Inserts an audio fileUsed to embed audio files within a web page
<video>Inserts a video fileUsed to embed video files within a web page
<source>Specifies a source for media files. Defines the source URL and media type for a media element, such as an <audio> or <video> elementUsed within <audio> or <video> elements to provide multiple formats for media files
<canvas>Creates an area where you can draw graphics and animationsUsed to create dynamic, interactive graphics
<svg>Creates scalable vector graphicsUsed to create graphics that can be scaled without losing quality
<datalist>Defines a list of options for an input fieldUsed to provide a list of options for an <input> element
<meter>Defines a measurement within a rangeUsed to display a measurement, such as progress or value, within a specified range
<progress>Defines the progress of a taskUsed to display the progress of a task, such as a file upload or download
<time>Defines a date or timeUsed to display dates and times
<abbr>Defines an abbreviation or acronymUsed to display a short form of a longer word or phrase
<address>Defines contact information for the author or owner of a web pageUsed to display contact information, such as a mailing address
<bdi>Defines text that should be isolated from the surrounding textUsed to display text that should be rendered in a separate, isolated context
<bdo>Defines the direction of text displayUsed to change the direction of text display, such as from left-to-right to right-to-left
<details>Defines additional details that can be shown or hiddenUsed to create an expandable section of content
<dialog>Defines a dialog box or windowUsed to create a dialog box or window that displays additional information or requires user input
<figure>Defines a figure or illustration. Defines self-contained content, such as images, diagrams, or code snippetsUsed to group images or other graphical elements with captions
<figcaption>Defines a caption for a <figure> elementDefines a caption for an <figure> element
<mark>Defines highlighted textUsed to highlight text
<output>Defines the result of a calculation or user inputUsed to display the output of a calculation or user input
<picture>Defines a container for multiple image sourcesUsed to provide multiple versions of an image for different screen sizes
<q>Defines a short quotationUsed to quote text within a paragraph
<samp>Defines a sample output from a computer programUsed to display sample output from a computer program
<summary>Defines a visible heading for a <details> elementUsed to provide a heading for an expandable section of content
<var>Defines a variable or placeholder in a mathematical expression or programming contextUsed to display variables or placeholders in mathematical or programming contexts
<area>Defines a clickable area inside an image mapUsed to define clickable regions within an image map
<base>Defines the base URL and target for all links on a pageUsed to specify the base URL and target for all links on a page
<bdi>Defines text that should be isolated from its surrounding text for bidirectional text formattingUsed to format text in a way that is correct for different writing systems
<bdo>Defines the directionality of textUsed to override the default text direction of a document
<data>Defines machine-readable data within an HTML documentUsed to provide machine-readable data within an HTML document
<dialog>Defines a dialog box or windowUsed to display a dialog box or window on a web page
<embed>Defines a container for an external application or interactive contentUsed to embed content such as videos, games, and other multimedia on a web page
<fieldset>Defines a group of related form elementsUsed to group related form elements together
<footer>Defines a footer for a document or sectionUsed to provide information such as authorship, copyright, or contact details at the bottom of a web page or section
<legend>Defines a caption for a <fieldset> elementUsed to provide a caption or title for a group of related form elements
<optgroup>Defines a group of options within a <select> elementUsed to group together related options within a drop-down list
<output>Defines the result of a calculation or user inputUsed to display the output of a calculation or user input
<track>Defines text tracks for media elements, such as <audio> and <video> elementsUsed to specify captions, subtitles, or other text tracks for a media element
<var>Defines a variable or placeholder textUsed to denote a variable or placeholder text within a document
<wbr>Defines a word break opportunityUsed to specify a point in text where a word break can occur if needed
<template>Defines a reusable content templateUsed to define a reusable content template that can be instantiated multiple times
<slot>Defines a placeholder for external content in a web componentUsed to define a placeholder for external content within a web component
<picture>Defines a container for multiple image sourcesUsed to provide multiple sources for an image to ensure optimal display on different devices and screen sizes
<summary>Defines a summary for a <details> elementUsed to provide a summary or title for a <details> element
<datalist>Defines a list of predefined options for an input controlUsed to provide a list of predefined options for an input control
<keygen>Defines a key pair generator field for formsUsed to generate a public-private key pair for use in form submission
<menu>Defines a list or menu of commandsUsed to create a list or menu of commands or actions
<mark>Defines highlighted textUsed to highlight or mark text within a document
<ruby>Defines a ruby annotation, which provides additional information or pronunciation for East Asian textUsed to provide additional information or pronunciation for East Asian text
<rp>Defines what to show in browsers that do not support ruby annotationsUsed to provide fallback content for browsers that do not support ruby annotations
<rt>Defines the pronunciation of characters in a ruby annotationUsed to provide the pronunciation of characters within a ruby annotation

That’s the complete exhaustive list of HTML tags for your reference.

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