Learn and master Karma JS with Top 30 Interview Questions and Answers often asked in technical interviews.

1. What is Karma JS?

Karma JS is a test runner tool that allows you to execute JavaScript tests in multiple real browsers. It provides a flexible and efficient testing environment for JavaScript applications.

2. How do you install Karma JS globally using npm?

You can install Karma JS globally using the following command:

npm install -g karma

3. How do you initialize a Karma project?

You can initialize a Karma project by running the following command in your project directory:

karma init

4. How do you configure Karma to run tests on multiple browsers?

In the `karma.conf.js` configuration file, you can specify the browsers you want to run tests on by adding them to the `browsers` array.

For example:

module.exports = function(config) {
   browsers: ['Chrome', 'Firefox'],
    // Other configurations


5. How do you configure Karma to run tests on a specific file or pattern?

   – In the `karma.conf.js` configuration file, you can specify the files or patterns you want to include for testing by adding them to the `files` array. For example:

module.exports = function(config) {
     files: [
     // Other configurations

6. How do you define test frameworks in Karma?

   – In the `karma.conf.js` configuration file, you can specify the test frameworks you want to use by adding them to the `frameworks` array. For example, to use Jasmine:

module.exports = function(config) {
    frameworks: ['jasmine'],
     // Other configurations

7. How do you configure Karma to generate code coverage reports?

   – In the `karma.conf.js` configuration file, you can enable code coverage reports by adding the `coverageReporter` object with the desired settings. For example, to generate coverage reports using Istanbul:

module.exports = function(config) {
     reporters: ['coverage'],
     coverageReporter: {
     type: 'html',
     dir: 'coverage/'
  // Other configurations


8. How do you define custom launchers in Karma?

In the `karma.conf.js` configuration file, you can define custom launchers for running tests in specific browser environments.

For example, to define a launcher for Chrome Headless:

module.exports = function(config) {
     browsers: ['ChromeHeadless'],
     customLaunchers: {
     ChromeHeadless: {
     base: 'Chrome',
        flags: ['--headless', '--disable-gpu', '--no-sandbox', '--remote-debugging-port=9222']
  // Other configurations

9. How do you exclude certain files from Karma test runs?

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   – In the `karma.conf.js` configuration file, you can specify the files or patterns you want to exclude from testing by adding them to the `exclude` array. For example:

     module.exports = function(config) {

         exclude: [




         // Other configurations



10. How do you configure Karma to watch files for changes and rerun tests automatically?

    – In the `karma.conf.js` configuration file, you can enable the file watcher by setting the `autoWatch` option to `true`. For example:

      module.exports = function(config) {

          autoWatch: true,

          // Other configurations



11. How do you specify a custom port for Karma to run on?

In the `karma.conf.js` configuration file, you can specify a custom port by setting the `port` option to the desired value. For example:

      module.exports = function(config) {

          port: 9876,

          // Other configurations



12. How do you run Karma tests from the command line?

You can run Karma tests from the command line using the following command:

karma start

13. How do you run a specific suite or test case in Karma?

In your test file, you can use the `describe` and `it` functions provided by the test framework (e.g., Jasmine) to define suites and test cases.

Then, you can use the `–grep` option when running Karma to run specific suites or test cases matching a given pattern. For example:

karma start --grep "suite name"

14. How do you write a basic test case in Karma using Jasmine?

Here’s an example of a basic test case written in Karma using Jasmine:

      describe('MathUtils', function() {
        it('should add two numbers correctly', function() {

          var result = MathUtils.add(2, 3);




15. How do you test asynchronous code in Karma using Jasmine?

When testing asynchronous code in Karma using Jasmine, you can use the `done` function to signal the completion of the test. For example:

      describe('AsyncUtils', function() {
       it('should fetch data asynchronously', function(done) {

          AsyncUtils.fetchData(function(data) {

            expect(data).toEqual('some data');





16. How do you mock dependencies in Karma tests?

To mock dependencies in Karma tests, you can use libraries like `sinon.js` or `jest` to create stubs, spies, or mocks. For example, using `sinon.js`:

      describe('SomeComponent', function() {
       it('should call a method on a dependency', function() {

          var dependency = {

            someMethod: function() {}


          var spy = sinon.spy(dependency, 'someMethod');

          var component = new SomeComponent(dependency);






17. How do you handle code coverage exclusions for specific lines or branches in Karma?

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In your source code, you can use special comments to exclude specific lines or branches from code coverage reports.

For example:

      // istanbul ignore next
     function someFunction() {

        // Code to be excluded from coverage


18. How do you generate HTML code coverage reports in Karma?

To generate HTML code coverage reports in Karma, you can add the `coverage` reporter to the `reporters` array in the `karma.conf.js` configuration file.

For example:

      module.exports = function (config) {


          reporters: ['coverage'],

          // Other configurations



19. How do you integrate Karma with a Continuous Integration (CI) system?

Karma can be integrated with CI systems like Jenkins, Travis CI, or CircleCI by configuring the CI system to run Karma commands as part of the build process.

Typically, this involves running the `karma start` command with appropriate options.

20. How do you configure Karma to capture browser logs during tests?

In the `karma.conf.js` configuration file, you can enable browser log capturing by setting the `captureConsole` option to `true`. For example:

      module.exports = function(config) {

          captureConsole: true,

          // Other configurations



21. How do you generate JUnit-style test reports in Karma?

To generate JUnit-style test reports in Karma, you can add the `junit` reporter to the `reporters` array in the `karma.conf.js` configuration file. For example:

      module.exports = function(config) {

          reporters: ['junit'],

          // Other configurations



22. How do you configure Karma to use code preprocessors like Babel or TypeScript?

In the `karma.conf.js` configuration file, you can configure code preprocessors by adding the `preprocessors` object with the desired settings. For example, to use Babel:

      module.exports = function(config) {

          preprocessors: {

            'src/**/*.js': ['babel']


          // Other configurations



23. How do you define custom reporters in Karma?

In the `karma.conf.js` configuration file, you can define custom reporters by adding them to the `reporters` array.

For example, to use a custom reporter named `MyCustomReporter`:

      module.exports = function(config) {

          reporters: ['myCustomReporter'],

          plugins: [



          // Other configurations



24. How do you run Karma tests in a specific order?

By default, Karma runs tests in random order to ensure test independence.

However, if you need to enforce a specific order, you can use the `–random=false` option when running Karma:

      karma start --random=false

25. How do you configure Karma to use a specific browser for testing?

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In the `karma.conf.js` configuration file, you can set the `browsers` array to a specific browser name to force tests to run in that browser.

For example, to use Chrome:

      module.exports = function(config) {

          browsers: ['Chrome'],

          // Other configurations



26. How do you configure Karma to run tests in a headless browser like PhantomJS or Puppeteer?

To run tests in a headless browser like PhantomJS or Puppeteer, you need to install the corresponding launcher plugin and configure it in the `karma.conf.js` file.

For example, to use PhantomJS:

      module.exports = function(config) {

          browsers: ['PhantomJS'],

          // Other configurations



27. How do you configure Karma to run tests in a specific environment or with specific browser capabilities?

In the `karma.conf.js` configuration file, you can define custom launchers with specific browser capabilities.

For example, to run tests on a specific version of Chrome with certain flags:

      module.exports = function(config) {

          browsers: ['MyCustomChrome'],

          customLaunchers: {

            MyCustomChrome: {

              base: 'Chrome',

              flags: ['--some-flag']



          // Other configurations



28. How do you configure Karma to run tests in a remote Selenium Grid?

To run tests in a remote Selenium Grid, you can configure the `hostname` and `port` options in the `karma.conf.js` configuration file to point to the Selenium Grid server.

For example:

      module.exports = function(config) {

          browsers: ['RemoteChrome'],

          customLaunchers: {

            RemoteChrome: {

              base: 'WebDriver',

              config: {

                hostname: 'localhost',

                port: 4444


              browserName: 'chrome'



          // Other configurations



29. How do you configure Karma to use webpack for bundling tests and dependencies?

In the `karma.conf.js` configuration file, you can configure Karma to use webpack as the test bundle builder.

This involves specifying the webpack configuration file and setting the `frameworks` array to `[‘webpack’]`.

For example:

      module.exports = function(config) {

          frameworks: ['jasmine', 'webpack'],

          webpack: require('./webpack.config.js'),

          // Other configurations



30. How do you run Karma tests in a continuous integration environment without launching a browser?

In the `karma.conf.js` configuration file, you can configure Karma to run tests using a headless browser like PhantomJS or Puppeteer.

Additionally, you can use the `singleRun` option to exit after the tests are completed. For example:

      module.exports = function(config) {

          browsers: ['PhantomJS'],

          singleRun: true,

          // Other configurations

