Learn and master the top CSS Object Fit interview questions along with detailed answers and code snippets:

  1. What is the CSS object-fit property?
    The object-fit property in CSS specifies how the content of an element should be resized to fit within its container.
  2. What are the possible values for the object-fit property?
    The object-fit property can take the following values:
  • fill: The content stretches to fill the entire container, possibly distorting its aspect ratio.
  • contain: The content is scaled to maintain its aspect ratio and fits within the container, leaving empty space if necessary.
  • cover: The content is scaled to maintain its aspect ratio and covers the entire container, cropping any excess.
  • none: The content retains its original size and is not resized to fit within the container. It may overflow the container.
  • scale-down: The content is scaled to the smaller of none or contain, effectively behaving like contain if it would result in a smaller size.

3. How do you use the object-fit property?
You can use the object-fit property by applying it to an element and specifying the desired value. For example:

   .image {
     object-fit: cover;
  1. How does object-fit affect the sizing of replaced elements, such as <img> or <video>?
    The object-fit property affects how replaced elements, such as <img> or <video>, are displayed within their containers. It determines how the content is resized or cropped to fit.
  2. How does object-fit work with width and height properties?
    The object-fit property works in conjunction with the width and height properties. It determines how the content is scaled or cropped to fit within the specified dimensions.
  3. Can you use object-fit with inline elements?
    No, the object-fit property does not apply to inline elements. It only applies to replaced elements, such as <img> or <video>, or elements with a display value of inline-block, block, or flex.
  4. How do you center an image using object-fit?
    To center an image using object-fit, you can combine it with CSS positioning. For example:
   .image-container {
     position: relative;

   .image {
     object-fit: cover;
     position: absolute;
     top: 50%;
     left: 50%;
     transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
  1. How do you make an image responsive using object-fit?
    To make an image responsive using object-fit, you can set the width and height of the container, and then apply object-fit: cover.

    This ensures that the image maintains its aspect ratio while covering the container. For example:
   .image-container {
     width: 100%;
     height: 0;
     padding-bottom: 50%; /* Set the aspect ratio (e.g., 2:1) */
     position: relative;

   .image {
     object-fit: cover;
     width: 100%;
     height: 100%;
  1. How does object-fit interact with object-position?
    The object-position property allows you to specify the alignment of the content within the container.

    It works in conjunction with object-fit to determine how the content is positioned and resized.
  2. How can you apply object-fit to a background image?
    Unfortunately, the object-fit property cannot be applied directly to background images.

    However, you can achieve similar effects by using background-size and background-position properties.
  3. Can object-fit be animated?
    No, object-fit cannot be animated directly.

    However, you can achieve similar effects by animating other properties that affect the size or position of the container.
  4. How does object-fit handle aspect ratios?
    The object-fit property helps maintain the aspect ratio of the content by scaling or cropping it accordingly.

    It ensures that the content fits within the container while preserving its original proportions.
  5. Can object-fit be used with SVG images?
    Yes, object-fit can be used with SVG images, just like with other replaced elements.

    It determines how the SVG content is resized or cropped to fit within its container.
  6. How does object-fit behave with respect to the overflow property?
    The object-fit property determines how the content is sized and positioned within the container, while the overflow property controls whether the content that exceeds the container’s dimensions is visible or hidden.
  7. How does object-fit interact with the transform property?
    The object-fit property and the transform property can be used together to achieve complex transformations on the content within the container.

    However, the order in which these properties are applied can affect the final result.
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