Learn and master the Top 20 CSS Z-Index interview questions and answers often asked in interviews.

  1. What is the purpose of the CSS z-index property?
    The z-index property in CSS is used to control the stacking order of positioned elements. It determines which element appears in front or behind other elements on the z-axis.
  2. What are the possible values for the CSS z-index property?
    The z-index property can accept both positive and negative integer values, as well as the value auto.
  3. What is the default z-index value for elements?
    The default z-index value for elements is auto, which means the stacking order is determined by the order of the elements in the HTML document.
  4. How does z-index work with positioned elements?
    The z-index property only works on elements with a position value of absolute, relative, or fixed. It allows you to control the stacking order of these positioned elements.
  5. How do you set the z-index of an element?
    You can set the z-index of an element by specifying a value for the z-index property in CSS.
.element {
  z-index: 10;
  1. How does z-index determine the stacking order?
    The stacking order is determined by the z-index values of the elements. Elements with a higher z-index value will appear in front of elements with a lower z-index value. If two elements have the same z-index, the one that appears later in the HTML document will be on top.
  2. What happens when two elements have the same z-index value?
    If two elements have the same z-index value, the stacking order will be determined by their order in the HTML document. The element that appears later in the document will be on top.
  3. How do you create an element that appears on top of all other elements?
    To create an element that appears on top of all other elements, you can set its z-index to a higher value than the other elements.
.top-element {
  z-index: 9999;
  1. How do you create an element that appears behind all other elements?
    To create an element that appears behind all other elements, you can set its z-index to a lower value or a negative value.
.bottom-element {
  z-index: -1;
  1. How can you prevent elements from overlapping using z-index?
    You can prevent elements from overlapping by setting appropriate z-index values for each element. Elements with a higher z-index value will appear in front, while elements with a lower z-index value will appear behind.
  2. How do you create a layered effect with z-index?
    To create a layered effect, you can assign different z-index values to elements, ensuring that elements with higher values appear in front of elements with lower values.
.layered-element1 {
  z-index: 1;

.layered-element2 {
  z-index: 2;
  1. How do you create a dropdown menu with z-index?
    To create a dropdown menu, you can use position: relative on the parent container and position: absolute on the dropdown element. Then, set a higher z-index value on the dropdown to ensure it appears above other elements.
.dropdown-container {
  position: relative;

.dropdown-menu {
  position: absolute;
  z-index: 10;
  1. How do you control the stacking order of nested elements with z-index?
    To control the stacking order of nested elements, you can assign different z-index values to each element. The z-index values will determine the stacking order relative to their parent elements.
  2. How does z-index interact with the parent-child relationship of elements?
    The z-index values of child elements are relative to their parent elements. A child element with a higher z-index value than its parent will appear in front of the parent, but behind elements in other parent containers with higher z-index values.
  3. Can you use z-index with non-positioned elements?
    No, the z-index property only works with positioned elements, such as those with a position value of absolute, relative, or fixed.
  4. How do you debug issues related to z-index?
    To debug issues related to z-index, you can inspect the elements using your browser’s developer tools. Check the z-index values of the elements involved and ensure they are set correctly.
  5. Can you use decimal values for z-index?
    No, z-index values must be integers. Decimal values are not valid.
  6. How do you handle overlapping elements with the same z-index value?
    If you have overlapping elements with the same z-index value, you can adjust their positioning by modifying the order of the elements in the HTML document or by changing their z-index values.
  7. Can you animate z-index values using CSS animations or transitions?
    No, z-index values cannot be animated using CSS animations or transitions. The z-index property can only have static values.
  8. How do you reset or remove the z-index of an element?
    To reset or remove the z-index of an element, you can set it to its default value, which is auto.
.reset-element {
  z-index: auto;

Understanding how z-index works is crucial for controlling the stacking order and layering of elements on a web page.

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