Learn and master the Top 20 CSS Variables interview questions along with detailed answers and code snippets:

  1. What are CSS variables?
    CSS variables, also known as custom properties, are entities that hold specific values and can be reused throughout a CSS stylesheet.
  2. How do you declare a CSS variable?
    To declare a CSS variable, use the -- prefix followed by the variable name. For example:
   :root {
     --primary-color: #ff0000;
  1. How do you use a CSS variable?
    You can use a CSS variable by referencing it using the var() function. For example:
   .element {
     color: var(--primary-color);
  1. Can CSS variables be inherited?
    Yes, CSS variables can be inherited by child elements unless overridden by a local declaration within the child element.
  2. How can you modify the value of a CSS variable dynamically using JavaScript?
    You can modify the value of a CSS variable dynamically using JavaScript by accessing the document’s root element and updating the variable’s value. For example:
   document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--primary-color', '#00ff00');
  1. Can you use CSS variables to define mathematical calculations?
    Yes, CSS variables can be used to define mathematical calculations. For example:
   :root {
     --width: 200px;

   .element {
     width: calc(var(--width) * 2);
  1. How do you define fallback values for CSS variables?
    You can define fallback values for CSS variables by including multiple values separated by commas. The first valid value will be used as the fallback. For example:
   .element {
     color: var(--primary-color, #000000);

If the --primary-color variable is not defined, the color #000000 will be used as a fallback.

  1. Can CSS variables be animated?
    No, CSS variables cannot be directly animated using CSS animations or transitions.

    However, you can achieve similar effects by animating other properties that depend on the CSS variable.
  2. How can you use CSS variables within media queries?
    CSS variables can be used within media queries like any other CSS property. For example:
   :root {
     --breakpoint: 768px;

   @media (max-width: var(--breakpoint)) {
     .element {
       /* Styles for screens with a width less than the breakpoint */
  1. Can CSS variables be used in pseudo-elements?
    Yes, CSS variables can be used in pseudo-elements. However, the variables must be defined in a scope accessible to the pseudo-element.
  2. How do CSS variables impact performance?
    CSS variables have minimal impact on performance. They are resolved during the rendering process and do not cause significant performance issues.
  3. Can CSS variables be accessed using JavaScript?
    Yes, CSS variables can be accessed using JavaScript through the getComputedStyle() function. For example:
const primaryColor = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue('--primary-color');
  1. Can you define CSS variables within a selector?
    No, CSS variables must be defined within a rule set, such as the :root pseudo-class, to have a global scope and be accessible across the stylesheet.
  2. How do CSS variables differ from preprocessor variables?
    CSS variables are native to CSS and can be manipulated dynamically using JavaScript.

    Preprocessor variables, like those in Sass or Less, are processed and resolved during compilation and cannot be modified at runtime.
  3. How do you cascade CSS variables?
    CSS variables follow the normal cascading rules in CSS.

    If a variable is defined at different levels of specificity, the most specific declaration will take precedence.
  4. Can CSS variables be used in shorthand properties?
    Yes, CSS variables can be used in shorthand properties. For example:
   :root {
     --border: 1px solid var(--primary-color);

   .element {
     border: var(--border);
  1. Can CSS variables be used in keyframes animations?
    No, CSS variables cannot be used directly in keyframes animations.

    However, you can use them in other properties that are animated within the keyframes animation.
  2. How do you update CSS variables dynamically based on user interactions?
    You can update CSS variables dynamically based on user interactions by listening for events in JavaScript and modifying the variable’s value using the setProperty() method. For example:
   const element = document.querySelector('.element');
   element.addEventListener('click', () => {
     document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--primary-color', '#ff0000');
  1. Can you change the value of a CSS variable using CSS transitions or animations?
    No, you cannot change the value of a CSS variable directly using CSS transitions or animations.

    However, you can achieve similar effects by animating other properties that depend on the CSS variable.
  2. How do CSS variables handle units?
    CSS variables handle units in the same way as regular CSS properties.

    The units are preserved when using the var() function.